Dienstag, 10. September 2019

Vinculin regulation

Vinculin regulation

The function and regulation of vinculin in cell-cell adhesions The function and regulation of vinculin in cell-cell adhesions. In the control of cell adhesiveness via regulation of expression of vinculin, a cytoskeletal. The role of vinculin in the regulation of the mechanical properties of cells.

The structure and regulation of vinculin - ScienceDirect. Calreticulin modulates cell adhesiveness via regulation of. Vinculin regulation of F-actin bundle formation - Cell.

Regulation of focal adhesion formation by a vinculin-Arp23. The role of vinculin in the regulation of the mechanical. New Insights into Vinculin Function and Regulation Vinculin is a cytoplasmic actin-binding protein enriched in focal adhesions and adherens junctions that is essential for embryonic development.

Vinculin regulation of F-actin bundle formation - Cell

Regulation of focal adhesion formation by a vinculin-Arp23

New insights into vinculin function and regulation. PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) thesis, University of Iowa. Acarbose A Pharma 1mg Tabletten.

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The function and regulation of vinculin in cell-cell adhesions

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Measuring mechanical tension across vinculin reveals

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Calreticulin modulates cell adhesiveness via regulation of

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