Dienstag, 31. Juli 2018



Disulfoton - Disulfoton Strukturformel Allgemeines Name Disulfoton Andere Namen O,O- Diethyl-S-ethylmercaptoethyldithiophosphat Summenformel C8H19O2PS3. ATSDR - Toxicological Profile: Disulfoton Toxicological Profile for Disulfoton. It is manufactured under the name Di-Syston by Bayer CropScience.

Toxicological Profile PDF PDF Version, MB. Demeton was reviewed by the 19Joint Meeting. ATSDR - Toxic Substances - Disulfoton Disulfoton is a manufactured substance used as a pesticide to control a variety of harmful pests that attack many field and vegetable crops. EXTOXNET PIP - DISULFOTON Trade and Other Names: Tradenames for disulfoton include Bay S27 Disyston, Disystox, Dithiodemeton, Dithiosystox, Frumin AL, Solvigram, and Solvirex.

Disulfoton - Toxipedia Used as a pesticide against aphids, leafhoppers, beet flies, thrips, coffeeleaf miners, and spider mites Pesticide Information Profile - Disulfoton).

ATSDR - Toxic Substances - Disulfoton


Disulfoton - , the free encyclopedia Disulfoton is an organophosphate acetylcholinesterase inhibitor used as an insecticide. Disulfoton - PMEP Home - Cornell University Disulfoton is a selective, systemic organophosphate insecticide and acaricide that is especially effective against sucking insects. Disulfoton (WHO Pesticide Residues Series 3) DISULFOTON JMPR 19Disulfoton is a member of the demeton family of insecticides. Academie voor Holistisch Coachen Ht opleidingsinstituut dat gespecialiseerd is in holistische coaching opleidingen en trainingen.

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Ein Arzt rät: Sofort die Belastung unterbrechen. Erkältungen mögen meist harmlos sein, dennoch nerven sie.

Disulfoton C8H19O2PS- PubChem

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