American Swiss Foundation American Swiss Foundation, New York, New York. Represented in countries with over 9employees. The Swiss Foundation of the ISS International Social Service. The Swiss Re Foundation is making visible.
International Journal of Not-for-Profit Law vol. Practice: Financial Services, Enterprise and Market Development World Region. Which are suited to improve the economic, cultural or social conditions of the.
Swiss Foundation for Mine Action - , the free encyclopedia The Swiss Foundation for Mine Action (FSD) is a Swiss non-governmental organisation involved in mine action. SwissFoundations mobilizes in favor of transparency, professionalism, and the effective use of foundation means in the Swiss foundations field. Philanthropy is often defined as the love of mankin as something intended to promote human welfare or as the desire to.
FORS Swiss Foundation for Research in Social Sciences
Swiss Foundation for Young Musicians Swiss Foundation for Young Musicians, Basel, Switzerland. 66were here.